Alternative Route

Temporary Road Closure

Harpham Lane, Harpham & Kilham

Please be advised that The East Riding of Yorkshire Council intends not less than seven days from the 27/09/22 to make an Order, the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle from proceeding along the entire length of Harpham Lane, Harpham and Harpham Lane, Kilham, commencing 17th October 2022 until 22nd October 2022, to allow for carriageway maintenance works.

The road closure is necessary to enable the works to be carried out in a manner consistent with ensuring the safety of the public. The Order is valid for 18 months, but it is anticipated that the works will be completed within 5 days.

The alternative route for traffic affected by the road closure will be via: East Street, Church Street, Driffield Road, Main Street, High Road, Harpham CP,Kilham CP, East Wolds and Coastal Ward.

The diversion route will be signed at the time of closure. The road will be closed to all traffic but access will be maintained for emergency vehicles, residents and pedestrians.
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Council on 01482 393939 and asking for Highways Customer Care.