Category: Notice
Fibre Broadband comes to Harpham
For those who may not have noticed; Contractors have been beavering away for the past few days laying ducting along the length of Butt Balk & Cross Gates as a precursor to bringing fibre broadband to Harpham. This is welcome news for those villagers who have been agitating for this happen since Fibre-To-The-Cabinet technology reached…
Winter Grant Scheme
A discretionary grant scheme to help households struggling in the run up to Christmas has been launched. East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched the scheme to support those most in need with the cost of food, energy (such as heating, cooking and lighting), water bills (including sewerage) and other essentials (such as sanitary products),…
Emergency Food Boxes
NOW AVAILABLE FROM LOVE DRIFFIELD, FOOD BANK CONTACT Mrs Angela Train, (Hon) Manager & Chairman of the TrusteesDriffieldwoldsfoodbank@gmail.com01377 252230 Cllr Felicity Temple, Trustee & VolunteerFelicity.temple@yahoo.com07886613574 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Anyone in an emergency situation, self-isolating/shielding/in need who cannot otherwise either afford or access food or who is stranded due to flooding or other adverse weather (NB –…
Road Closures – From 13th November
THE EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCILROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 SECTION 14 (1)TEMPORARY PROHIBITION OF THROUGH TRAFFIC Beacon Lane, New Road, Driffield Road, Ruston Parva and Driffield Road, Kilham Notice is hereby given that The East Riding of Yorkshire Council intends not less than seven days from the date of this notice to make an…
Lissett Farm Community Fund
Small grants of up to £500 are now available from the Lissett Wind Farm Community Fund for local groups and organisations that are supplying essential services and support to those being impacted by Covid-19. If interested in applying, then please act fast as these funds are likely to be oversubscribed.
Misuse of Railway Level Crossings
The Mingledale level crossing on Out Gates has been much mentioned in the national and regional news over the last few days, following the release of CCTV footage by Network Rail showing its shocking and reckless misuse by some individuals. The footage shows several instances of incredibly dangerous behaviour, all of which could have resulted…
Public Rights of Way
Since the Covid-19 lockdown we have seen an increase in the number of people using the public rights of way network for walking, cycling and riding in our Parish. This has been good to see and we hope that those new to outdoor recreation will recognise the positive impacts these activities can have on physical…